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Albion R. Hodgdon Herbarium, University of New Hampshire
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Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium
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Brown University Herbarium
(Brown University-BRU)
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California Botanic Garden Herbarium
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Chicago Botanic Garden
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Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History
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Harvard University Herbaria
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Herbarium Pacificum (Bishop Museum)
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Miami University, Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium
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Missouri Botanical Garden
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New York Botanical Garden
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Ohio State University Herbarium
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Smithsonian Herbarium
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UAM Herbarium, Vascular Plant Collection
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University of Cincinnati, Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium - Vascular Plants
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University of Colorado Herbarium
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University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection
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University of Massachusetts Amherst, Herbarium
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University of Michigan Herbarium
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University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium
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Vanderbilt University Herbarium
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Page 1, records 1-174 of 174
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Abacopteris simplex
S. Y. Hu|P.P.H. But
Dryopteris simplex
Rev. Ms. Hartwell
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Zhou Pei-chun
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
China Germany Team
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Chen Nian-gu
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Zhou Pei-chun
Pronephrium simplex
Muh Tsuen Kao
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Muh Tsuen Kao
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Chen Nian-gu
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Muh Tsuen Kao
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Chen Nian-gu
Pronephrium simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Pronephrium simplex
Zhou Pei-chun
Pronephrium simplex
China Germany Team
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Chen Nian-gu
Pronephrium simplex
China Germany Team
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
China Germany Team
Pronephrium simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Zhou Pei-chun
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Pronephrium simplex
Muh Tsuen Kao
Pronephrium simplex
Wuzhishan Fern Survey
Thelypteris simplex
Chien-Chang Hsu
Thelypteris simplex
Ching-Chang Chuang
Thelypteris simplex
Mao-xian Huang
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Grypothrix simplex
H. Y. Liang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Xian-gri
Thelypteris simplex
Mao-xian Huang
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Heng-bin
Thelypteris simplex
Guang Fu Forest Team
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Hiroshige Koyama
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Shao-qing (S.H. Chen)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan East Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Chien-Chang Hsu
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Heng-bin
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan East Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
Chien-Chang Hsu
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Heng-bin
Thelypteris simplex
Ching-Chang Chuang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
Masahiro Kato
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Xian-gri
Thelypteris simplex
Kunio Iwatsuki
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Guang Fu Forest Team
Thelypteris simplex
Chien-Chang Hsu
Thelypteris simplex
H. Fung
Thelypteris simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Xian-gri
Thelypteris simplex
Kunio Iwatsuki
Thelypteris simplex
Feng, Zhi Jian
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Ching-Chang Chuang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
Hou Kuan-zhao
Thelypteris simplex
Floyd A. McClure
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
H. Fung
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Guang Fu Forest Team
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
H. Fung
Thelypteris simplex
Mao-xian Huang
Thelypteris simplex
Masahiro Kato
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Shao-qing (S.H. Chen)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan East Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Shao-qing (S.H. Chen)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Hiroshige Koyama
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan East Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Heng-bin
Thelypteris simplex
Ching-Chang Chuang
Thelypteris simplex
Kunio Iwatsuki
Thelypteris simplex
Hiroshige Koyama
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
Mao-xian Huang
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Chen Shao-qing (S.H. Chen)
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
H. Y. Liang
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Hiroshige Koyama
Thelypteris simplex
Masahiro Kato
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Thelypteris simplex
Hou Kuan-zhao
Thelypteris simplex
Floyd A. McClure
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
Hou Kuan-zhao
Thelypteris simplex
Hou Kuan-zhao
Thelypteris simplex
Floyd A. McClure
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
Feng, Zhi Jian
Thelypteris simplex
Feng, Zhi Jian
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Guang Fu Forest Team
Thelypteris simplex
H. Fung
Thelypteris simplex
Masahiro Kato
Thelypteris simplex
Hainan Station Team
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang (Huang Zhi)
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Deng (or L. Tang)
Thelypteris simplex
Feng, Zhi Jian
Thelypteris simplex
Liang Xian-gri
Thelypteris simplex
Kunio Iwatsuki
Thelypteris simplex
Floyd A. McClure
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
Liu Ying-guang
Thelypteris simplex
C. Wang
Thelypteris simplex
East Hainan Team
Thelypteris simplex
Wai-tak Tsang